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There are many important elements that determine the quality of the magazine’s design, one of the most important is the quality of images. A good selection of high-quality images can highlight the design and make the articles more attractive. Today, more than ever, a large number of high-quality photos are available on many websites that specialize in the sale of photos or videos. To make it easier for you to decide which site to use, here are some recommendations.

Flatplan presents the page layout in the magazine, which shows where articles and ads should be distributed. Flatplan is essential for the accurate planning and organization of magazines, especially printed. There are various ways to create a flat plan, you can draw it on paper, use software such as Word, Excell or Keynote, or use professional software designed for flatplane creation and magazine production.

These are some of our recommendations:

A good selection of fonts is of great importance for the design and layout of the magazine, so it is very important to find a good source of quality fonts. The Internet is full of sites that offer free fonts, or sell a collection of professional fonts. Many of them offer the same or very similar fonts, so some fonts can be found on several websites. A large number of fonts is free, but for personal use only, usually is necessary to buy a font for commercial use. You can find out about this in the font license information. We recommend that you check under which license the font is before you start using it. Also, our advice is to make a selection of several high quality fonts and use them in each issue, avoid using too many different fonts.

This is a selection of some of the websites we’ve made for you:

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